Montreal Mayor Michael Applebaum Arrested: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know

Interim Mayor of Montreal Michael Applebaum was arrested at 6 a.m. this morning in an investigation that led to the arrests of him and two other politicians, according to CTV News.

Here’s what you need to know…

1. Mayor Michael Applebaum Was Arrested By Anti-Corruption-Unit UPAC

According to CBC News upon an investigation through a government organization, it was found that there was evidence of suspicious payments in a real estate project and several transactions that included several thousands of dollars during 2006 and 2010. Witnesses were interviewed, which is how most of the information got obtained preceding an investigation which is still ongoing.

2. Applebaum Replaced a ‘Corrupt’ Mayor

Applebaum’s predecessor, Gerard Tremblay, resigned in the fall of 2012 after allegations that he was aware of alleged illegal party financing and widespread corruption among city officials, contractors and members of organized crime and did nothing, according to The Star.

3. Before Going Into Politics, Applebaum Practiced Honesty as a Real Estate Agent

Applebaum is a former real estate agent. He was also first elected Councillor in 1994. He became the Mayor of Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce borough, January 2002 until November 2012. He was named president of Montreal’s executive committee in April 2011 by Former Mayor Gerald Tremblay. Applebaum then resigned from Union Montreal party following Tremblay’s resignation. Finally he was chosen as replacement Mayor of Montreal in November 2nd, reported CBC News.

4. Two Others Were Arrested

Besides Applebaum, two others were arrested, Jean-Yves Bisson and Saulie Zajdel, according to CBC News. Jean-Yves Bisson is a former borough manager. Saulie Zajdel is a former city Councillor and former candidate in the last federal election in the Montreal riding of Mount Royal. Although it isn’t clear what they’re being charged with, they were arrested in connection with the corruption plot.

5. Applebaum is Charged With Conspiracy and Breach of Trust

Applebaum faces 14 criminal charges, including fraud towards the government, breach of trust, conspiracy and municipal corruption, reported the provincial anti-corruption unit UPAC. Investigators met with many witnesses in order to come to these arrests. “No one is above the law,” UPAC spokesman at press conference.

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Canadian Mayors sure know how to get arrested. Michael Applebaum was arrested by the anti-corruption squad.